Your One Stop Shop for all Mental Health and Well-being Solutions
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Murang'a County

Our Work

CAfRIC International

Our Work

  1. Empowering Black families by fighting stigma in mental illness, substance use
  2. CAfRIC Workshop: Promoting Equity for African and Caribbean Black (ACB) Families by Bridging Information Gap
  3. Baby Fidelis surgery scheduled
  4. Event Invite Nov 17: End Alcohol and Drug Use Devastation
  5. Four Kenyadians nominated for Canadian Top Immigrants Award
  6. Abeingo awards an outstanding community member
  7. Invitation: CAfRIC International 4th Anniversary and Scholarship Awards
  8. CAfRIC Call for Applications to the Hasham Family 2019 Scholarship


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)