Your One Stop Shop for all Mental Health and Well-being Solutions
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Murang'a County


Creating Awareness for Responsible and Informed Choices

We are a Trauma-Informed organization whose programs aim to promote emotional and relational well-being to foster individual flourishing.

Our work is evidence based and client-centered, and focuses on assessments, education, training and treatment to identify and reduce barriers to emotional and relational well-being.

We work with individuals, families, schools, corporates and community groups to raise awareness and provide evidence-based interventions to reduce the risks or eliminate barriers that impede human flourishing. 

CAfRIC Centre Kenya is accredited by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) as well as the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse as a treatment and rehabilitation facility in the region.

Moreover, CAfRIC Centre is licensed by the Kenya Medical Practitioners & Dentists Board  as well as the Pharmacy and Poisons Board.

Play Video about CAfRIC International Counselling Services
CAfRIC: Flourishing Starts Here!

We position our clients at the forefront of our care.

Connecting People to their Passion and their Passion to their Purpose.

CAfRIC International

T H R I V E Online Program

THRIVE is CAfRIC’s 8 week online self-mastery program that helps individuals understand the origin of their deep-seated…
CAfRIC International Inpatient Residential Program

Inpatient Treatment Program

Our In-Patient program combines group and individual therapy, lifeskills training, spiritual care, physical fitness, nutrition education and…
CAfRIC International Counseling Services

Outpatient Treatment and Counselling Services

Welcome to CAfRIC's Outpatient Treatment and Counseling Services, a flexible and accessible option for individuals seeking comprehensive…
CAfRIC International

CAfRIC Intregrated Support Model (CISMo)

A CAfRIC program for promoting relational and emotional well-being of leaders and staff in organizations and educators…
CAfRIC: Creating Awareness for Responsible and Informed Choices

Our valued partners

If you wish to support our efforts to promote mental health education to our communities and extend our reach to those who can’t afford, we invite you to partner with us or contribute to our community wellness fund.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)